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钙质土力学性质研究现状与进展   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
概述了钙质土的成因,在世界范围内的分布及一般性质,综述了国内外对钙质土静、动力学性质研究持现状与进展,得到有关结论并提出今后应加强研究的方向。  相似文献   
豫西东秦岭造山带核部杂岩中钙质变质岩的变质作用演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈能松  张兴辽 《岩石学报》1993,9(3):240-254
华蓥山地区上二叠统长兴阶生物礁顶部普遍存在一套数米至十余米厚的钙结壳.含有钙结壳中常见的渗滤豆石、钙质结核、蜂窝状构造、根模、钙化细菌丝体、花瓣构造、微型钟乳石等典型组构,并伴有变形构造、溶蚀构造和角砾化等现象。这套钙结壳的发现对研究华南二、三叠纪之交的古气候,古地理和沉积发育史具有重要意义,本文主要描述钙结壳的岩石学特征,并简要讨论了本地区钙结壳的成因。  相似文献   
陕西洛南陶湾群三岔口组砾岩研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陶湾群三岔口组砾岩是一套分布于华北地块南缘的水下碳酸盐岩型重力流沉积,砾岩的形成同商州铁炉子栾川断裂带早期活动性质存在因果关系。通过1∶5万区调填图发现,陶湾群三岔口组砾岩从母岩区到砾岩堆积区之间无断陷作用;沉积基底基本连续;砾岩沉积组构出现有序的横向变化规律,依次为母岩区层状白云岩(α区)、具有垂向张裂隙及流动构造的始滑区白云岩(β区)、具有节状构造的滑移区白云岩(γ区)和砾岩堆积区(δ区)。陶湾群三岔口组砾岩时代厘定为早寒武世晚期至中寒武世,这也是华北地块南缘盆地环境的主形成期,砾岩是在东秦岭洋向华  相似文献   
胡梅生  唐玉梅等 《矿物学报》1991,11(1):9-12,T003,T004
作者用透射电子显微镜研究了沉积钙质白云石中的带状面缺陷。在衍衬象中面缺陷呈现出特有的条纹衬度,并具有一定的择优取向,它们沿着{018}面排列。面缺陷也可分叉,分枝部分平等于{2-/10}面。根据白云石面缺陷的取向,本文提出了鞍状白云石宏观弯曲面和微观面缺陷的取向关系。  相似文献   
The Lower Cretaceous sediments of the Ceahl?u Nappe (from the bend region of the Romanian Carpathians) were investigated from lithological and micropaleontological (calcareous nannoplankton) points of view. Our investigations revealed that the studied deposits were sedimented within the latest Tithonian-Albian interval. The calcareous nannofossil assemblages of the turbidite calcareous successions (the Sinaia Formation) were assigned to the NJK-?NC5 calcareous nannofossil zones, which cover the Late Tithonian-Early Barremian interval. The sandy-shaly turbidites, which followed the calcareous turbidites of the Sinaia Formation, are Early Barremian-Early Albian in age (interval covered by the ?NC5-NC8 calcareous nannofossil zones). Because the studied deposited are mainly turbidites, many reworked nannofossils from older deposits are present in the calcareous nannofloras. Thus, some biozones (i.e., NC5), defined based on the last occurrences of nannofossils, could not be identified. The calcareous nannofossil assemblages are composed of Tethyan taxa (which dominate the nannofloras) and cosmopolitan taxa. During two intervals (the Late Valanginian and across the Barremian/Aptian boundary), Tethyan and cosmopolitan nannofossils, together with Boreal ones, were observed. This type of mixed calcareous nannoplankton assemblage is indicative for sea-level high-stand, which allows the nannofloral exchange between the Tethyan and Boreal realms, within the two-above mentioned intervals.  相似文献   
中国西南天山西域砾岩的磁性地层年代与地质意义*   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
西域组是我国西部一重要并广泛引用的晚新生代地层,关于其年代和成因至今尚存争议。在西南天山喀什远源盆地喀什-阿图什褶皱带不同构造部位选择有代表性的5~6个晚新生代地层剖面开展了详细的沉积学、磁性地层年代学对比研究,据此限定了不同构造的起始变形时间以及西域砾岩的沉积年代。西域砾岩并非一年代地层单位,作为一岩石地层单位,其底界具有穿时特征,从山体(北)向喀什前陆盆地(南)逐渐变新。其底界年龄在盆地北部近源区约为15.5Ma[1],在盆地中部中源区约为8.6Ma[1],在盆地南部远源区的阿图什背斜为1.9Ma,喀什背斜为1.6~0.7Ma。这一穿时的砾岩沉积楔体的起始堆积起因于盆地北部边界逆冲断层(KBT)的活动。构造变形是由北南脉冲式迁移扩展的,其速率是非均匀的,在约15.5Ma至4.0Ma期间为1.4~3.4mm/a,在约4.0Ma以来剧增至>10mm/a。西域砾岩沉积前缘向南进积速率与构造变形前缘迁移速率有很好的一致性,但在时间上较构造变形可能滞后2.0Ma。这表明构造变形前缘向南的脉冲式扩展是西域砾岩进积并发生侧向和垂向上岩相突变的主因。  相似文献   
构造、气候与砾岩* ——以积石山和临夏盆地为例   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
探讨构造、气候与砾岩的关系对于研究青藏高原隆升的时间和方式具有重要意义。裂变径迹热年代学表明积石山地区于8MaB.P.开始构造变形,与碎屑颗粒裂变径迹结果和生长地层结果一致,而明显早于积石砾岩出现的时间(3.6MaB.P.)。通过区分岩体隆升与地面隆升之间的差别,文章提出一种新的模型,以解释隆升、气候和砾岩之间的关系。积石山岩体于8MaB.P.开始隆升,隆升初期,尽管岩体隆升1500~2000m,但是由于积石山上覆的新生代地层易于剥蚀,在花岗岩基底被剥露到地表之前,地表只有少量隆升或没有隆升。随着沉积地层被剥蚀殆尽,基岩暴露于地表,地面隆升速率加快。约3.6MaB.P.,积石山隆升约200~900m,造成了地形雨和发源于积石山的横向河流的出现,这些横向河流把积石山的花岗岩搬运到盆地中沉积下来,形成积石砾岩。  相似文献   
剑门地貌见于四川盆地北部的剑阁县剑门关一带,是一种特定的砾岩地貌,以发育砾岩悬崖绝壁、砾岩关隘、砾岩峡谷、砾岩山峦、砾岩峰丛等为特征,规模宏大,气势如虹。龙门山山前广泛分布,景观独特,与广东丹霞地貌显著不同。  相似文献   
Abstract   A continuous, well-preserved core was obtained from the Choshi area, on the Pacific side of Japan, to investigate paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes around the northwestern Pacific region during the middle Pleistocene. Siliciclastic sequences in the core are divided into five formations – the Obama, Yokone, Kurahashi and Toyosato Formations in the Inubo Group and the Katori Formation, in ascending order. Examination of calcareous nannofossils and magnetic polarities detected four datums in the core sediments of the Inubo Group: the top of Reticulofenestra asanoi , the base of Helicosphaera inversa , the top of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa and the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary. Fourteen marine isotope stages (MIS24–MIS11) were identified in the δ18O and δ13C records based on detected datums and the graphic correlation with the standard stack oxygen isotope curve. Magnetic susceptibility and gamma-ray attenuation porosity evaluator density were also measured and low values characterize the glacial intervals. Biogenic sedimentation by primary production may be larger during the glacial periods because of invasions of nutrient-rich northern surface-waters related to the southward shift of the Kuroshio front in the Choshi area.  相似文献   
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